Greek Yoghurt
Vyjádření POLABSKÝCH MLÉKÁREN a.s. k současným mediálním informacím na téma ŘECKÝ JOGURT.
Po celé Evropě dnes můžeme v obchodech nalézt výrobky s označením „řecký
jogurt“ nebo „jogurt řeckého stylu“. Technologie výroby tohoto typu jogurtu
vychází z klasické technologie používané ve východním Středomoří, kdy se z
jogurtu po fermentaci odstraňuje část syrovátky. Výsledný produkt pak obsahuje vyšší množství bílkovin než tradiční jogurt a díky tomu je jeho konzistence hustší — na rozmezí jogurtu a sýra. Uvedené konzistence lze dosáhnout pouze odstraněním části syrovátky bez použití jakýchkoli přídatných látek a na výrobu jednoho
kilogramu takového jogurtu se spotřebuje kolem tří litrů mléka.
Česká republika přišla s návrhem zakotvit jednoznačnou definici řeckého jogurtu ve vyhlášce o mléčných výrobcích s cílem vytvořit platný legislativní rámec jak z pohledu technologie výroby, tak z pohledu složení, aby nemohlo docházet ke zneužívání tohoto názvu pro výrobky, které tyto vlastnosti nemají. Cílem je tedy zajistit ochranu spotřebitele. Označení „řecký jogurt“ je dnes používáno celosvětově a neodkazuje na původ výrobku, ale na technologii výroby a jeho složení. V samotném Řecku je pro tento typ výrobku používán název straggisto.
Navrhovaná definice pak vytváří předpoklad pro garanci složení a kvality tohoto
typu výrobku. Řecký jogurt vyráběný POLABSKÝMI MLÉKÁRNAMI a.s. v
Poděbradech této definici odpovídá.
Ing. Pavel Vybíral

A recipe created by nature
We produce our Greek yoghurts in the traditional Greek way by removing part of the whey. We use high quality yoghurt cultures isolated from traditional Greek yoghurts, which enables us to achieve a thick creamy yoghurt with a smooth consistency and the mildly sour taste characteristic for this type of yoghurt.

Contains 10% milk protein, 3 times more
milk and 2 times more than normal yoghurt.
A single pot contains 20% of the recommended
daily amount of calcium, needed for proper bone and teeth growth.
We produce our yoghurts only from milk
and cream without any additives.
They contain live Bifidobacterium BB-12
yoghurt cultures to aid digestion.A yoghurt that respects your needs
Whether you are an athlete or watching your weight, our Greek yoghurts adapt to you. You can choose from six fantastic flavours and from three different fat content levels.
0% vs. 5%

Greek Yoghurt 0%
Do you love the taste of forest blueberries too? Enjoy it without remorse. At the bottom of your pot of zero fat Greek yoghurt lies a sinfully tasty blueberry surprise.
Energy | 331 kJ / 78 kcal |
Protein | 8.2 g |
Carbohydrates | 10.6 g |
Of which sugars | 9.2 g |
Fat | 0.3 g |
Of which saturated fats | 0.2 g |
Sodium | 0.07 g |
(per 100 g)

Greek Yoghurt 0%
You can now bring back summer even outside the strawberry season. At the bottom of our Greek yoghurt lies a good handful of strawberries. Can you smell them? So be sure to taste how well they go with this light yoghurt we have produced only from milk.
Energy | 361 kJ / 85 kcal |
Protein | 8.3 g |
Carbohydrates | 12.3 g |
Of which sugars | 11.1 g |
Fat | 0.3 g |
Of which saturated fats | 0.2 g |
Sodium | 0.07 g |
(per 100 g)

Greek Yoghurt 0%
Chocolate is not a sin. And definitely not in our zero fat Greek yoghurt. Enjoy it mixed into the yoghurt or spoon by spoon, for a little surprise at the bottom of the pot.
Energy | 373 kJ / 88 kcal |
Protein | 8.4 g |
Carbohydrates | 12.9 g |
Of which sugars | 11.4 g |
Fat | 0.3 g |
Of which saturated fats | 0.2 g |
Sodium | 0.07 g |
(per 100 g)

Greek yogurt 0%
Baked apple, cinnamon
Krásná šťavnatá jablíčka jsme okořenili skořicí a odlehčili jogurtem s 0 % tuku. Podlehněte neodolatelné zimní poetice v kelímku Řeckého jogurtu Milko.
Energy | 356 kJ / 84 kcal |
Protein | 8.3 g |
Carbohydrates | 12 g |
Of which sugars | 11 g |
Fat | 0.3 g |
Of which saturated fats | 0.2 g |
Sodium | 0.08 g |
(per 100 g)

Greek yogurt 0%
Pear & Cinnamon
Sweet pears and fragrant cinnamon in perfect harmony with the light taste of Milko Non-Fat Greek Yogurt. Delight your taste buds and warm your soul in the cold winter months. Close your eyes, enjoy the taste and let your imagination run wild.
Energy | 356 kJ / 84 kcal |
Protein | 8.3 g |
Carbohydrates | 12 g |
Of which sugars | 11 g |
Fat | 0.3 g |
Of which saturated fats | 0.2 g |
Sodium | 0.08 g |
(per 100 g)

Greek Yoghurt 0%
White 1 Kg
Plain yogurt made just from milk. Light as a breeze, yet dense and full of protein. Simple, just the way you like it. Ideal for a healthy lifestyle.
Energy | 242 kJ / 57 kcal |
Protein | 9.8 g |
Carbohydrates | 3.8 g |
Of which sugars | 2.7 g |
Fat | 0.3 g |
Of which saturated fats | 0.2 g |
Sodium | 0.07 g |
(per 100 g)

Greek Yogurt 0%
White BIO
Plain yogurt made just from milk. Light as a breeze, yet dense and full of protein. Simple, just the way you like it. Ideal for a healthy lifestyle.
Energy | 241 kJ / 57 kcal |
Protein | 10 g |
Carbohydrates | 3.5 g |
Of which sugars | 2.7 g |
Fat | 0.3 g |
Of which saturated fats | 0.2 g |
Sodium | 0.10 g |
(údaje pro 100 g)

Greek Yoghurt 0%
A white yoghurt produced only from milk. As light as a breeze yet thick and full of protein. Simple, just as you like it. Ideal for a healthy lifestyle.
Energy | 242 kJ / 57 kcal |
Protein | 9.8 g |
Carbohydrates | 3.8 g |
Of which sugars | 2.7 g |
Fat | 0.3 g |
Of which saturated fats | 0.2 g |
Sodium | 0.07 g |
(per 100 g)

Greek Yoghurt 5%
A white yoghurt produced from milk and cream. Delicately thick and thickly delicate. Ideal for your creative side that enjoys experimenting in the kitchen. Have you tried Tzatziki made with our Greek yoghurt yet, for example?
Energy | 417 kJ / 100 kcal |
Protein | 8.4 g |
Carbohydrates | 4.6 g |
Of which sugars | 4.4 g |
Fat | 5.3 g |
Of which saturated fats | 3.5 g |
Salt | 0.09 g |
(per 100 g)

Greek Yoghurt 0%
Apricot and Honey
Sweet apricot and even sweeter honey. Combined with our Greek yoghurt produced from milk and cream they are a heavenly combination.
Energy | 377 kJ / 89 kcal |
Protein | 8.5 g |
Carbohydrates | 13 g |
Of which sugars | 11 g |
Fat | 0.3 g |
Of which saturated fats | 0.2 g |
Salt | 0.08 g |
(per 100 g)

Greek Yoghurt 0%
Lemon and Lime
A refreshing taste full of pleasantly sour juice. A harmonious combination of lemon and lime is concealed at the bottom of the pot. Under a delicate yoghurt produced from milk and cream.
Energy | 343 kJ / 81 kcal |
Protein | 8.5 g |
Carbohydrates | 11 g |
Of which sugars | 10 g |
Fat | 0.3 g |
Of which saturated fats | 0.2 g |
Salt | 0.09 g |
(per 100 g)

Greek Yoghurt 4%
A fistful of forest blueberries, a lot of real milk, a little cream and a lot of love. We use nothing else for our Greek yoghurt and the result is amazing. Try it.
Energy | 501 kJ / 119 kcal |
Protein | 7.1 g |
Carbohydrates | 13 g |
Of which sugars | 12.7 g |
Fat | 4.3 g |
Of which saturated fats | 2.8 g |
Salt | 0.08 g |
(per 100 g)

Greek Yoghurt 4%
The classic taste with a hint of faraway lands. Tenderly sweet and irresistible when combined with milk and cream. A real pleasure for every sweet tooth.
Energy | 501 kJ / 119 kcal |
Protein | 7.1 g |
Carbohydrates | 13 g |
Of which sugars | 12.7 g |
Fat | 4.3 g |
Of which saturated fats | 2.8 g |
Salt | 0.08 g |
(per 100 g)

Greek Yoghurt 4%
Taste strawberries in their most refreshing form. How? Take a teaspoon and give our Greek yoghurt produced only from milk and cream a good stir.
Energy | 501 kJ / 119 kcal |
Protein | 7.1 g |
Carbohydrates | 13 g |
Of which sugars | 12.5 g |
Fat | 4.3 g |
Of which saturated fats | 2.8 g |
Salt | 0.08 g |
(per 100 g)

Greek Yoghurt 4%
Wonderful chocolate and even more wonderful Greek yoghurt from milk and cream. A combination that few can resist.
Energy | 513 kJ / 122 kcal |
Protein | 7.1 g |
Carbohydrates | 13.3 g |
Of which sugars | 13.0 g |
Fat | 4.5 g |
Of which saturated fats | 3.0 g |
Salt | 0.08 g |
(per 100 g)
How do we make our Greek yoghurt?
During the production process we use yoghurt cultures isolated from traditional Greek yoghurts and stick to the traditional Greek method of removing part of the whey. You can enjoy our yoghurts in various styles: with 0% fat, with added cream containing 5% fat, and flavoured with 4% fat.